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The Blog

Hiring & leadership made simple, doable, & FUN – for visionary female small biz owners like YOU!

HIRING Ashley Cox HIRING Ashley Cox

5 Ways Quality Job Descriptions Help You Hire Right

Job description. The very thought seems so “corporate-y,” right? You might be conjuring up memories of documents that get stuffed in the backs of drawers or perhaps you’re even thinking, “That’s a big business practice that just doesn’t fit my small, creative business.”

If so, then you’re underestimating the power this one little document holds!

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HIRING Ashley Cox HIRING Ashley Cox

How to Overcome the 5 Most Common Fears About Hiring

If hiring your first employee has been on your mind lately but you've been feeling a bit nervous, you’re not alone. Most small business owners face a lot of fear, doubt, and uncertainty when it comes to hiring their first employee.

If your inner mean girl is using a megaphone to try and shut this whole thing down, then this post is for you!

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HIRING Ashley Cox HIRING Ashley Cox

Why You Should Embrace a Beginner’s Mindset To Grow a Thriving Team

As I cracked open the cover of this beautiful book and flipped through the pages, I came across a quote that perfectly set the tone for what lay ahead, “We are all beginners in the beginning.”

Over the past month, I’ve continued to come back to and think about this quote often.

You might be getting ready to embark on hiring for the first time, so you’re a true beginner. Or you might have some experience hiring contractors, but know that hiring employees is…

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3 Easy Ways to Share Tough Feedback with Your Team

Your palms are sweaty, your knees are weak, and your heart is racing...

No, you're not in love.

You need to share some tough feedback with an employee.

Yikes!!! *cue ALL the fears, doubts, and worries*

As leaders, we not only get to tell our people how great they are and thank them for all they do, we also get to help them grow in their roles and as people.

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3 Benefits of Tackling Difficult Conversations Head On

Addressing employee issues is hard.

I get it. I’ve been there.

Whether it’s a performance-related issue, a bad attitude, or maybe they’re just not a good fit for your business, it can be a huge challenge to have to talk to an employee about something so uncomfortable.

They’re called “difficult conversations” because they’re, well, difficult!

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Social Impact Series: The Trevor Project

We believe that every human being is worthy and deserving of love, acceptance, and belonging. That’s why, this quarter, we have decided to celebrate love and the fundamental human right to live your most authentic life out loud.

As we researched various organizations to support, we came across some heartbreaking facts about LGTBQ+ youth suicide.

We can love people better than this, we can end the stigma surrounding the LGBTQ community, and we can save precious lives. That’s why we chose to donate to The Trevor Project for our

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HIRING Ashley Cox HIRING Ashley Cox

Who Should I Hire First?

The question I’m asked most often when it comes to hiring for the first time is, “Who should I hire first?” This is a good question, but not a very helpful one to ask when starting to think about hiring.

The better question you should be asking is…

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HIRING Ashley Cox HIRING Ashley Cox

Can You REALLY Afford to Hire An Employee?

If you’ve been thinking about hiring an employee in your small business, you’re likely experiencing some anxious feelings, fear, and doubt.

“Who should I hire first?” And “How do I plan for hiring?” And...

Can I even afford to hire an employee?!?

You’re not alone in having these feelings or questions. I’ve faced similar feelings and fears when hiring before, and so have many other small business owners.

The key to overcoming these (and most) fears is…

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HIRING Ashley Cox HIRING Ashley Cox

How to Create a Strategic Hiring Plan

When it comes to hiring, planning isn’t top of mind for many small business owners.

Developing a business strategy, creating a marketing plan, and outlining financial goals are typically the focus. And while yes, these are all very important for business growth, having a strategic hiring plan for growing your team is equally, if not more, important!

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The Planning Phase of Growing Your Team

One of the most common frustrations I hear from business owners who have tried and struggled with hiring is that they can’t seem to find the “right person” for the job.

This is usually the result of poor planning or a lack of planning altogether. Which is why the first phase in Growing Your Team is Planning – and that’s what we’re going to discuss in this post!

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10 Simple (and Free!) Ways to Show Your Team You Appreciate Them

Leading a team is about more than having an extra set of hands to help with the work, dishing out orders, and keeping the team on track.

It’s about building relationships based on mutual trust, respect, and rapport. And one of the best ways to do this is by showing your appreciation for all that your team does.

Did you know?

When asked what leaders could do to improve engagement, 58% of respondents replied…

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How to Get Your Employees to Care More

No one will ever care about your business as much as you do. #hardtruth It’s not because they don’t like you or your business.

It’s simply because this is your business. You’ve poured your heart, soul and reputation into it. And you’re the only one in the world who can love it like you do.

That’s not a bad thing. And it’s not wrong. It’s just reality.

Once we understand this, however, we can move forward in a more positive direction instead of wondering why everyone doesn’t feel the same way we do.

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How to Lead When You Don’t Feel Like a Leader

Leaders get overwhelmed. We feel scared. We experience overwhelm. And we have breakdowns. The difference between leaders and everyone else, is that leaders continue to get back up after being knocked down. We find a way to push through the fear and overwhelm to show up and serve.

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4 Common Onboarding Mistakes That are Sabotaging Your Team

Congratulations on becoming a leader!! This can be one of the most exhilarating – and terrifying – moments in your business journey. While it’s important to be excited about your new hire, it’s equally as important to manage your expectations as a new leader.

New leaders often struggle the most in the first 90 days. And, studies have found that 1 in 4 new hires quit within the first 90 days. Coincidence? I don’t think so.

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HIRING Ashley Cox HIRING Ashley Cox

The 4 Phases of Growing Your Team

I often hear people talk about growing a team as one "thing" that you do in your business.

Suddenly, they realize that it's more than just "one thing" to do and it starts to feel like a big, daunting, single leap into the unknown. 

And when something feels that big and we don't have a good plan in place, we have a tendency to avoid it.

If you’ve struggled with this, you're not alone! This is the #1 question I get on a weekly basis. Which is why I decided to share my signature 4-phase process with you!

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Social Impact Series: CARE

If you’re like us, you’ve been heartbroken watching the conflict unfold in Ukraine over the past couple of months – and equally in awe of the strength and bravery of the people who call this beautiful country home.

I immediately felt a desire to help and that’s when I knew that this quarter’s Grow + Give donation would be directed toward helping the people of Ukraine.

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Why You Should Start with Your Values When Hiring

As my husband and I recently worked on a puzzle, it struck me that hiring is a lot like putting a puzzle together.

When we get a new puzzle, we trust that we have all the pieces we need to create the image on the box. However, that’s not always the case. As you know, sometimes pieces are missing, they fall on the floor, or the dog runs off with one.

The same is true for hiring. We trust that we have all the pieces we need in our business, but we’re really not certain. They’re scattered all over the table, in no discernible order, and we’re not really sure how they fit together.

It’s the same with hiring. You think you have all of the pieces, but there may be one or two missing, and you’re also not quite sure how they fit together.

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Hire Before You Fire

Are you thinking about firing before you’ve even hired someone?

This happens frequently among business owners who are hiring for the first time. Maybe it’s even happened to you, too.

You’re nervous about hiring. You worry about all the things that could go wrong. And somewhere along the way, you heard that it’s best to prepare for the worst and hope for the best, so you think that’s what you’re doing.

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